Our Journal

Harvest and Post-Harvest Care of Cut Flowers
June 2, 2024

Finally! We’ve reached the point where the garden is pulsating and dripping with delicious food and beautiful flowers begging to be picked. When a flower stem is cut, it continues to respirate, depleting its internal carbohydrate stores and eventually leading to its (inevitable) senescence. Higher temps speed up these processes and result in faster carbohydrate loss and shortened vase life. Thus, flowers are ideally cut in the morning when plants have the highest water content and the plant tissue is the coolest. Exceptions are zinnias … keep reading

Full Blown Resurrection (March & April on the Farm)
April 27, 2024

Can we absorb the life force of plants by just being close in proximity to them? It was a question that I was seriously entertaining during a run in March through the canyon adjacent to our house. While pounding the trail or pavement, there is no thought too absurd, no mental rabbit trail too small, no hope or dream too unlikely, or memory too distant. The plants in the canyon were so vibrant this morning, intensely glowing with lush, verdant life. Water rose like smoke … keep reading

January and February in a Nutshell
March 1, 2024

Some months feel like an eternity, but January and February were over as soon as they started.  We received a record amount of rain and captured it in the gardens. The first flowers of the year bloomed – flowers we planted no less than five months ago – which brought with them warm feelings of hope, optimism, and delight as they are always greatly missed. We pruned the roses, and we weeded the gardens for what felt like the millionth time. Our seven-month-long bouquet subscription … keep reading

Musings on a New Year
January 22, 2024

It’s an electrifying time of year on the farm. There’s no holding the flowers back for much longer. 2024. HERE WE GO. 2024 will be my sixth growing season, and if the past years of farming have taught me anything, it’s this: I have absolutely no idea what this new growing season will hold. For example, I never would have dreamt that in March of 2020 all our flower shops would close and weddings would be cancelled. Or that last year we’d be visited by the LA … keep reading

“People, Land, and Community”
May 7, 2024

Six years ago, right around this time of year, I planted my first dahlia tubers in our backyard vegetable garden. At this time, farming had already “found” me and taken so much from me, like an unrequited love. We were making a home for ourselves again in the city after two years of farming vegetables and raising animals, all of which had amounted to just a good story chock-full of mistakes and disappointments.  The idea to grow flowers here in the city, in our neighborhood, … keep reading

The Rose of Spring: Growing Ranunculus asiaticus
August 10, 2024

No cut-flower garden is complete without ranunculus flowers. Once blooming, each plant produces a handful of flowers, and your ranunculus bounty will make you feel like the richest gardener in the world. There is no better way to master growing this flower than to get out there, make mistakes, and get your hands dirty!  Ranunculi are cool-season flowers, and in Southern California, it’s essential to start them in the fall. Soak and plant your ranunculus corms in mid-October to early-November, and you’ll have your first … keep reading

Why Flowers?
January 22, 2024

As a flower farmer, I first honed my gardening skills by growing food. Why switch to growing flowers? And what do flowers represent to me?  For me, growing flowers is a shift from consuming, achieving, and striving, toward contentment, quiet observation, and presence in the moment– the transcendent beauty of flowers an impenetrable thread to the divine. Blooming during a distinct season with roots in the soil of the place where we live, flowers connect me (us) to the particular place, time, and land that we inhabit, together. … keep reading

May, June, and July
July 25, 2024

It has been awhile, friends! I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful summer of fun and relaxation, and perhaps heaping bowls of panzanella fresh from the garden. The days seem to be passing as quickly as plants grow in the summer months, and I cannot fathom that it’s almost August. I’m going to attempt a full, but hopefully not too tedious, update on the past three months. This note has a more personal and pragmatic ring to it, and includes a lot of photos! So if … keep reading

On the Cusp of a New (2024) Season
January 22, 2024

So, what has changed with me in the past year? I no longer long for the fall in the Midwest, for one; California is my home. I’ve read 3 books on grammar and can finally place a comma, so that’s an improvement! I’ve read a lot more fiction this past year, my favorite escape from nihilism and the stress and feelings of . . . simply living. I went backpacking for the first time. I’m still an enneagram one, but adapting. I’m capable of running long distances … keep reading


I was 21 years old in 2009. Arlene Dekam, the mother of 5 with kind eyes who drove me from clinical site to clinical site on snowy city streets and fed me zucchini from her garden, slid a battered copy of “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver across a desk at the GVSU College of Nursing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “Keep it,” she whispered. “I read it every year.” <Thunderbolt> This is how my journey into gardening began. Gardeners. Sometimes we sift through the recycling … keep reading